85 gallon tank: 28.25” wide, 70.25” tall (to top of fitting)
105 gallon tank: 30.25” wide, 70.75” tall (to top of fitting)
Todd-Wadena’s Peak Shave and electric thermal storage (ETS) heating programs use electricity efficiently to save you money. The programs include the super-efficient Marathon® brand water heater.
For joining one of the programs, members receive an 85-gallon Marathon® water heater, valued at over $1,700, for just $450*.Members who need more capacity, such as dairy operators, may purchase a 105-gallon Marathon® water heater for $550*.
Energy-efficient Marathon® water heaters are superior to most other brands. Their seamless, blow-molded tank is warrantied against leakage for as long as you own your home! In addition, the elements and thermostat are warranted for six years. (Tank warranties listed are for residential installations. For commercial and agriculture applications, call the Cooperative office.)
*For new program enrollment only.
1. Contact the Cooperative at (218)- 631-3120 or (800)-321-8932 to inquire about the availability of the Marathon® 85 or 105-gallon electric water heaters.
2. If the Marathon® tank is not an option, purchase (2) 50-gallon electric water heaters. (Submit receipt(s) for a $400 rebate).
3. Hire an electrician to properly wire the water heaters and receiver. The receiver is provided by the cooperative.
4. Once properly installed, and wired to radio receiver, notify the Cooperative to complete the program. (A separate meter is required for the ETS water heating program. TWEC will provide the meter socket, members need to contact their electrician to wire).
Peak Shave Water Heating Program
- With the peak shave water heating, electricity to the water heater is controlled up to several hours when electric use and the cost is very high. By avoiding the use of non-essential electricity during peak times, the Cooperative and its members save money.
- After a period of five years, members will receive monthly credits of $8 per month on your electric bill. These credits continue as long as you continue on the program. (Members who switch from gas to off-peak electric or those undergoing new construction will begin receiving the credits after just three years.)
- To qualify for the credits, your total household energy use for the month must be 500 kilowatt-hours or greater.
- Water heated by alternate source does not qualify for discounted tank price or energy credits.
- Any after-market device added to the tank voids the manufacturer’s warranty.
- Must remain on Peak Shave program or ETS Water Heating Program.
ETS Water Heating Program
- With the electric thermal storage (ETS) water heating program conserves energy by heating water during off-peak hours, when electric costs are the lowest (10pm – 6am) and stores enough water to use during the 16-hour, on-peak portion of the day. By avoiding the use of non-essential electricity during peak times, the Cooperative and its members save money.
- Member will receive a 4.5¢/kWh electric rate for their water heating. *$2 per month basic charge applies.
- A separate meter is required for the ETS water heating program. TWEC provides the socket, and members need to contact their electrician to wire.
- ETS water heating program is recommended for smaller households as the water heater only heats water during off-peak hours.
- Water heated by alternate source does not qualify for discounted tank price or energy credits.
- Any after-market device added to the tank voids the manufacturer’s warranty.
- Must remain on Peak Shave program or ETS Water Heating Program.