As member-owners, all Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative members are invited to participate in the cooperative’s Annual Meeting. TWEC’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at the Maslowski Wellness & Research Center in Wadena. The Annual Meeting provides members with information about the cooperative’s growth, financial health, board election, and programs available to members. In addition to the annual meeting, which is officially required by our bylaws, there are many member appreciation events held throughout the year. Click here to view the 2024 voting options.
2024 Director Election
Cooperatives are democratic entities, owned by those they serve and governed by elected representatives. In fact, one of the seven cooperative principles is Democratic Member Control. In order to underscore this principle, we offer multiple ways to cast your vote. This year you can vote for up to two candidates, who will each serve a three-year term ending in 2027. Click on the candidates’ names below to read their biographies.
Tom Brichacek
Tom and his wife, Aimee, live in rural Staples with their two daughters, Abby and Lily.
Tom was born in Moran township and attended school in Staples. He attended Alexandria Technical College, receiving a degree in Marketing and Sales Management. Currently, he is part-owner and Vice President of Miran Creek Furniture, Inc. and oversees all day-to-day operations, including accounting, advertising, customer service, and production. He also serves on the boards of the Staples Area Food Shelf, Staples/Motley FFA Alumni, and the eight-parish Area Catholic Community. There he served as the initial Chair and helped develop the strategic plan for the eight parishes. In the past, he has served on the Sacred Heart Area School Board for six years (with two of those years as the Chair) and the Todd County Economic Development Corporation Board.
Tom has been a director on the TWEC Board since 2012, and currently serves as the Vice-Chair. He has completed the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). “Working with the entire board, staff, and employees to make decisions that are in the best interest of the members of our cooperative makes serving on the board enjoyable. I work hard to ensure all the decisions we make are well thought out and will serve our membership for years to come. I would appreciate your vote for me to continue to serve,” states Tom.
Gary Kneisl
Gary Kneisl and his wife of 43 years, Kathy, live in rural Verndale. Gary and Kathy have four children and seven grandchildren. After graduating high school, Gary went into partnership with his dad milking cows until 1996 when his father retired. Gary bought him out and continued the dairy farm until 2003 when he sold the cows and raised beef feeders. Gary has center pivot irrigation systems. His oldest son is taking over the farm, and Gary has since semi-retired, helping out as the hired hand when needed. Gary was a Todd County Commissioner for 16 years, ending in 2022, and is active in the Hewitt Lions Club.
Gary believes the big changes and challenges for Todd-Wadena, and all electric cooperatives, will be mandates for solar, wind, and electric vehicles. These mandates could pose a challenge to Todd-Wadena in the future as the Cooperative seeks to continue providing reliable electricity for members. Gary would like to help find ways to keep the cost of electricity affordable for members in spite of these mandates.
Miles Kuschel
Miles, his wife Sarah, and their three children live east of Nimrod, where he is a third-generation cattle rancher. They use rotational grazing to provide forage for the cattle and produce much of their own hay.
Miles attended school in Sebeka and then earned a degree in Beef Production from the UW-Madison Farm & Industry Short Course. He has served various roles within the Cass Co. Farm Bureau, American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers, Ansel Township Board, and recently served on the FCC Broadband Task Force, Data and Mapping Group. He also serves as a District Director for the MN Farm Bureau State Board. Miles volunteers for 4-H, FFA, and Second Harvest Heartland, among others.
Miles has spent much of his term on the TWEC Board advocating for a reliable and affordable electric supply and continues to promote Beneficial Electrification. “Anytime we can save members money and make their lives easier, we need to put our efforts into making it succeed,” Miles states. He continues to work with both state and federal legislators to ensure they understand how the rules and regulations affect our members of today and tomorrow. Miles says, “I’m genuinely concerned at the government’s current pace of mandates and regulations. We must continue to tell the agencies how they impact our small towns, family farms, and families.” Miles’ focus for the upcoming term will be on managing inflation, increasing broadband access, meeting members’ expectations, and promoting youth involvement.
Miles is humbled to have the opportunity to serve the Cooperative and looks forward to continuing to serve members. “I enjoy receiving questions from members about how the industry is changing and how we are adapting,” he says. “I am excited for the future of the Co-op. We really have an opportunity to help members save money – on transportation, home automation, through off-peak rates, and a host of other things. We want to be your trusted resource when it comes to all things electric. I really appreciate the hard work of TWEC staff and the support of our valued members as we continue to work towards the co-op of tomorrow.”
2024 Annual Meeting
The 2024 Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16th at the Maslowski Wellness & Research Center (17 5th St. Southwest, Wadena, MN).
3:30 p.m. Registration Opens
4:00 p.m. Deep Dive Session: Rooted in Agriculture; Free Swim
4:30 p.m. Bingo
5:30 p.m. Business Meeting with Meal