Safety Programs
Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative demonstrates safe work habits around electric lines using a table top model, complete with miniature vehicles, buildings, electrical equipment, and live electric lines. Trained cooperative personnel are available to give this safety program at no cost to youth and adult groups in the area. To schedule your safety demonstration, contact Kallie at (218) 631-3120.

Scholarships offered by Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative are funded by unclaimed Capital Credits in accordance with state laws for unclaimed property. Todd-Wadena offers a Graduating High School Senior Scholarship and Power Up Non-Traditional Student Scholarship.
Youth Tour
Each year, Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative holds a contest to select one local sophomore or junior high school student to attend the NRECA Youth Tour.
The trip to Washington, D.C. is an all-expenses paid trip to see our nation’s capital. The winner will travel with approximately 40 other Minnesota teens, and join 1,400 students from across the nation during the Youth Tour. Participants will learn about cooperatives, visit with legislators at the Capitol, see the national monuments, and make memories that will last a lifetime.