We are looking forward to seeing our members at our 2023 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 18th! Make plans to join us and bring the entire family. There will be free swimming for children before and during the business meeting. Our guest speaker is David Saggau, President/CEO of Great River Energy (our wholesale power provider). A meal will follow the business meeting. See you there! Your registration card for the Annual Meeting is located on the back of the April Pine to Prairie newsletter that everyone (even members who have opted for paperless) will receive this month.
3:30 p.m. Registration Opens
4:00 p.m. Deep Dive Session:
Vegetation Management
Free Swim
4:30 p.m. Bingo
5:30 p.m. Business Meeting with guest speaker David Saggau, President/CEO of Great River Energy (with meal to follow)
Date: Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
Location: Maslowski Wellness & Research Center in Wadena, MN
Prizes: All members attending the Annual Meeting will receive either a sugar maple seedling or burr oak seedling. There will also be door prizes in the form of bill credits and gift cards from local businesses.
Have a question you’d like to ask the Board of Directors or CEO at the Annual Meeting? Visit our website and submit your question prior to 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18th.