With Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative’s 2023 Annual Meeting fast approaching, I wanted to take an opportunity to explain the benefits of our annual meeting and why it is so important.
When someone signs up for electric service at Todd-Wadena, they become a member-owner of the cooperative. This means they have a voice in how the cooperative is operated. That voice can be heard by serving on the board of directors, the nominating committee, or choosing to vote at each annual meeting to ensure the right people are leading the cooperative. Each member’s voice is important.
Todd-Wadena has governing bylaws that require us to host an annual meeting once per year. This is also when the annual election of the board members takes place. Candidates are carefully chosen by a nominating committee that takes great pride in putting forth qualified candidates. Members can vote by mail-in ballot, in person at the annual meeting, or even electronically.
Annual meetings are a tradition that celebrates our unique business model. They bring members together to learn more about how the cooperative is working to serve current and future needs. The meeting provides an opportunity for members to celebrate recent accomplishments and receive a full annual report detailing the cooperative’s business programs and plans for the future. It is also a time for members to meet the cooperative’s board of directors and employees who work together to keep the lights on.
The financial condition of the cooperative is presented in detail at each annual meeting. Fiscal responsibility is an important part of any business, even more so with a cooperative comprised of member-owners. Financial transparency is a top priority at Todd-Wadena.
While there is a lot of business to take care of at the annual meeting, it is also a time to celebrate you, our members! There will be a delicious meal, free swimming, and some great prizes.
Now that you have heard all the wonderful things about our upcoming annual meeting, I hope you will plan to join us on Tuesday, April 18th at the Maslowski Wellness & Research Center in Wadena. I hope to see you there!
Daniel Carlisle
President/CEO & General Counsel