A quote I once read said something like “feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” This is why at my family’s Thanksgiving dinner each year, we all take turns saying something we are grateful for. Of course, my list always includes great family and friends and good health. As I thought about it this year, my list also includes a great job serving the membership of Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC).
I am thankful to be part of a group of employees who are some of the hardest working people I know and who truly care about the members we serve. As a cooperative, our mission is to be a trusted partner providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy options to our members. Our vision is to improve the quality of life for our members and communities. Both our mission and vision are things we all take very seriously at TWEC. I am thankful to be part of an organization that cares more about the people it serves than the bottom dollar.
I am grateful for a board of directors that truly cares about our membership and the success of the cooperative. Our directors want to stay involved and educated on all aspects of the cooperative so they can serve it to the best of their ability. I am also thankful for TWEC’s culture of safety that ensures our employees go home safely at the end of each day.
Lastly, I am thankful for our wonderful membership. We love our work and we love working with all of you! You are our inspiration and our purpose.
Happy Thanksgiving!