You are required by law to contact an underground locating service by dialing 811 at least 48 hours in advance (not including holidays or weekends) before you dig.

Gopher State One Call (811)
If you are planning a digging project it is your responsibility to notify Gopher State One Call (GSOC).
GSOC is the one-call notification system that informs Minnesota underground facility operators like Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative of intended excavation. GSOC transmits the information about the area in question to TWEC and other utilites with underground facilities.
TWEC will locate wire up to the electric meter. You are responsible for locating your own private underground wires (all wires from the meter to your home or other buildings on your property and you need to make other arrangements to locate them).
Call 811! It’s free and could save your life.
Johnson Locating Service, Inc.
Members of Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative are able to receive a special discount on private locating services. While utility-owned electric wires are located for free when calling 811—Gopher State One Call, member-owned private facilities such as underground electric wires and gas lines to outbuildings, electric fence, sprinkler systems, septic systems, and similar underground items are not marked. Arrangements must be made with a private utility locator to mark those.
To make it easier for TWEC members who might need private facilities located, Johnson Locating Service, Inc. (JLS) has agreed to a reduced rate for private locates if they are called immediately after Gopher State One Call is notified. This allows JLS to do the private locate at the same time as they mark the utility’s lines. For more information, contact Jeff Johnson at JLS by calling (218) 821-7672 — payment is due at time of locate.

1. You must notify Gopher State One Call at least 48 hours in advance of digging (excluding weekends and holidays). 2.If a private locate is needed, call Johnson Locating Service, Inc. immediately after contacting Gopher State One Call, and they will provide you with a discounted rate for the private locate (payment is due at time of locate). | |