Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC) is built and owned by our members, not investors. As a not-for profit cooperative, the needs of our members come first, not profits. Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative strives to provide safe, reliable, and affordable energy to our co-op members. This Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report summarizes some of what defined us in 2023. We are committed to being a responsible company and building a more sustainable future for our members, employees, and community.
TWEC serves more than 7,500 members in portions of Todd, Wadena, Becker, Cass, Ottertail, Douglas, Hubbard, and Morrison counties.
TWEC has 28 employees with seven members who are democratically elected to the Board of Directors.
Miles of Line: 2,229
Substations: 15
Annual Revenue: $21,923,000
Wholesale Power Cost: $12,916,000
Plant Investment: $71,170,000
Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC) is committed to be a responsible steward of the air, land, and water upon which our rural communities depend.
Reducing Paper Waste
TWEC supports paperless billing options for our members, over half of our 7,500 members are enrolled. Through shredding and recycling paper, TWEC saved 35 trees in 2023.
Reducing Electric Consumption
Residential, Agricultural, Commercial & Industrial members can apply for many types of energy-efficient rebates and load management programs. In 2023, members saved 681,657 kWh with a demand reduction of 69kW through these rebates.
Arbor Day
Each year, TWEC participates in an Arbor Day event around our territory. In 2023, TWEC handed out 250 tree seedlings to members at the Annual Meeting.
Reducing Chemical & Emission Footprint
TWEC has been able to reduce its footprint by removing the use of certain hazardous chemicals in our transformers, pole treatment, and use of lead-free underground cable. In 2023, TWEC recycled 700 quarts of oil from our fleet and equipment. TWEC has implemented a battery recycling program for employees, which has kept hundreds of household batteries out of landfills.
The Board of Directors are committed to the principles of fiduciary duty, strategic oversight and advocate for the members’ best interest.
Grassroots by Nature
Members elect the Board of Directors on an annual basis to represent them to ensure strong financial integrity and to promote policy decisions that impact its rural constituents in both St. Paul and Washington, D.C.
Strategic Oversight
TWEC Directors and management participate in industry-related education, including fiduciary duty, power generation and cyber security. The Board of Directors receive and review financial reports monthly and oversee an annual budget. In 2023, TWEC dispersed $754,000 in retired capital credits to members who were active in 2008.
As a stronghold in our communities, TWEC is committed to making our communities a better place.
Youth Engagement & Outreach
In 2023, TWEC reached over 450 students from eight local schools through electrical safety demonstrations and attending the State of the Electricity presentation by TWEC’s CEO. TWEC sponsored a student to attend the NRECA Youth Tour and awarded $6,000 in educational scholarships.
TWEC employees volunteered 62.5 hours to local organizations through our Community Ambassador Program. TWEC delivers Meals 4 Members food baskets to members in need.
Commitment to Community & Safety
TWEC employees continuously participate in industry-related educational meetings and safety training each year. TWEC participates in economic development opportunities, sponsored community events and donated to over 60 charitable organizations.
Operation Round Up
In 2023, more than $35,000 was awarded to 20 local organizations in Operation Round Up grants. Over $631,000 has been donated to local organizations through Operation Round Up grants since the program’s inception in 2002.