Responding to the Needs of the Grid // CEO Column September 2023

Our homes are outfitted with more devices that require electricity than ever before as life has become increasingly dependent on them to function. As this demand for electricity rises, Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative must continue providing the same affordable, round-the-clock service to its members—regardless of market conditions, or in Minnesota’s case: weather conditions. Demand for electricity […]

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Transmission Buildout // August 2023 CEO Column

Great River Energy, wholesale power supplier to Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC), is transitioning from a historically coal-dependent cooperative to one with low carbon intensity. The cooperative is on track to meet Minnesota’s 80% greenhouse gas reduction goal decades ahead of schedule. This type of news makes headlines every day, but there’s a critical piece of […]

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Facility Charge // July 2023 CEO Column

As a member of Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC), you make an investment in the co-op every time you pay your bill. In addition to the amount you pay per kilowatt hour (kWh) based on your individual usage, your payment covers the monthly facility charge that helps us cover the expenses of maintaining our overall electric […]

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Cost of Service Study // CEO Column June 2023

A large benefit of being a member of a cooperative like Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative (TWEC) is that our mission revolves around you. TWEC’s mission statement is to “be a trusted partner providing safe, reliable, and affordable energy options to our members.” Our community has weathered many storms over the last few years. From severe storm […]

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2023 Annual Meeting // CEO Column April 2023

With Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative’s 2023 Annual Meeting fast approaching, I wanted to take an opportunity to explain the benefits of our annual meeting and why it is so important.   When someone signs up for electric service at Todd-Wadena, they become a member-owner of the cooperative. This means they have a voice in how the […]

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