Members who are enrolled in one of our load management programs (i.e. dual fuel or water heating) may notice a TWEC pickup and one of our Energy Management Technicians at your property conducting a device change out. The current Comverge system is nearing its end of life, and our technicians will be replacing them with a demand response unit when they are in the area. These units are located on the outside of homes/businesses and no appointments will be made. The change out will not interrupt your electric service.

To Members Enrolled in Our Water Heater Programs
If you no longer have the 85-gallon or 105-gallon electric Marathon water heater because you have switched to an on-demand water heater, natural gas water heater, or similar—please contact us so we can update our records.
Notice: If you are a water heater-only account (meaning you are not also on dual fuel), look for a letter from TWEC within the next year scheduling an appointment for an Aquanta device. The Aquanta devices will be physically mounted onto your water heater. We are working on the water heater-only device change outs by substations. We’ve recently completed the Ward substation and are currently working on service orders out of the Hartford substation (southern territory).