Electric Vehicle (EV) First Responder Safety Training

In June, TWEC hosted an electric vehicle safety training program for first responders. This was a regional event offering the training to all local community first responders. The course was taught by staff of Safety and Security Consultation Specialists, LLC (SASCS), a first responder training company based out of southern Minnesota. In the past 10 years, SASCS has grown to become one of the largest fire training companies in Minnesota.

The course covered many different topics including types of electric vehicles (EVs), EV emergency response – crash and fire, shutting down and disabling EVs, emergency responder safety, and dispelling EV myths. This was a great opportunity to encourage public safety pertaining to EVs. We were also able to supply many different models of EVs to give hands-on training to those who will be responding to emergencies. A huge thank you to our members (Gary Benjamin, Miles Kuschel, and Steve Meech), GRE, and Juettner Motors for supplying cars and trucks for the training!