Understanding my Bill
Electric bills are due on the 25th of each month.* In the event that the 25th falls on a holiday or weekend, the next business day will be the due date. The normal bill is for approximately 30 days of service, but may vary based on the number of days in the month. Click below for helpful information on how to understand your electric bill.
*Large power due dates may vary.
Late and Delinquent Bills
Understand our policies and procedures concerning late and delinquent bills.
SmartHub is a free resource for members to securely manage their electric account online, review electric usage, and to make payments online. Go to Payment Options to learn more.

Energy Assistance
Learn more about energy assistance programs available to Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative members. Energy Assistance provides home heating assistance, energy-related repairs, energy conservation, and other programs and services to members. Contact the energy assistance office in your county to make an appointment.
BI-CAP (Cass County)
Visit their website:
MAHUBE OTWA (Becker, Hubbard, Otter Tail & Wadena counties)
Visit their website:
West Central Communities Actions (Douglas County)
Visit their website:
Tri-County Action Program (Morrison County)
Visit their website:
Todd County Energy Assistance
Visit their website:
Minnesota Cold Weather Rule
The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule, which is in effect October 1 to April 30, does not forbid winter disconnections. For a notification of your rights and responsibilities, and the Cold Weather Rule Brochure and application, visit the Account Forms page.