Board of Directors

Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative is governed by a seven-person board of directors. These directors are elected by the membership at the annual meeting each April. Directors are elected to three-year terms. Directors, who represent the membership, meet monthly to make decisions concerning the cooperative’s business.

Electric cooperatives like Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative are unique because the users of the cooperative’s energy are also the owners of the business. Anyone who receives electricity from the cooperative is eligible to serve on the cooperative’s board of directors. The Nominating Committee typically seeks candidates for director elections in January. All members receive mailed ballot packets and may vote by mail, online, or at the Annual Meeting.

Board of Directors

Your Board of Directors

Front Row (left to right): Marie Katterhagen, Secretary, Tom Brichacek, Vice Chair, Kristine Spadgenske, Director. Back Row (left to right): Gene Kern, Director, Dale Adams, Treasurer, Miles Kuschel, Chair, Michael Thorson, Director.

Miles Kuschel, Chair
Tom Brichacek, Vice Chair
Dale Adams, Treasurer
Marie Katterhagen, Secretary
Gene Kern, Director
Kristine Spadgenske, Director
Mike Thorson, Director

Members may submit a request to attend a future board meeting by filling out the request here.

How to Run for the TWEC Board of Directors

Each year the TWEC Nominating Committee seeks out members who are interested in being a director candidate. Interested members may contact a member of the Nominating Committee or the TWEC office for more information. A board candidate who elects nomination through member petitions must submit a list of printed names, addresses, and original signatures of at least thirty (30) or more members.* A petition for Nomination Form may be requested by the candidate by contacting Kallie at 218-631-3120. The 2025 petition deadline is February 21, 2025.
*Joint members are entitled one (1) vote and therefore only one (1) name of a joint membership can be signed on petition form.

2025 Nominating Committee

The Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative bylaws provide the method for nominating candidates to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors appoints a committee consisting of not less than five (5) nor more than eleven (11) members of the Cooperative; which committee shall be selected from the members so as to give equitable representation on the committee to the geographical areas served by the Cooperative.
If you, as a member, are interested in becoming a candidate for the Board of Directors, please contact one of the members of the Nominating Committee or contact Kallie at the Cooperative office at 218-631-3120. The nominating committee will meet to nominate candidates for the 2025 Director Elections on January 15, 2025.

2025 Nominating Committee:

  • Jerome Miller, Sebeka 218-837-5690
  • Gary Stracek, Browerville 320-594-2960
  • Wally Wiese, Verndale 218-639-6348
  • Ray Gildow, Staples 218-821-8848
  • Annette Adamietz, Verndale 218-445-5190
  • Samantha Krause, Staples 507-766-0238
  • Heather Gilreath, Sebeka 218-841-0309
  • John Fair, Sebeka 218-639-0942
  • Lloyd Lanz, Wadena 218-639-1806
  • Dan Skogen, Hewitt 218-639-3405
2025 Nominating Committee

2025 Nominating Committee L to R: Wally Wiese, Dan Skogen, Annette Adamietz, Ray Gildow, Jerome Miller, Gary Stracek, Lloyd Lanz, John Fair. Not pictured: Heather Gilreath and Samantha Krause.

If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Kallie at the Cooperative office at 218-631-3120.

Director Qualifications

From Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative Bylaws Article III Section 2. Qualifications.

No person shall be eligible to become or remain a director of the Cooperative who:
(1) is not a member of the Cooperative, receiving service at the member’s primary residence;
(2) within three years preceding a director candidate’s nomination was or during service on the Board of Directors is finally adjudged to be guilty of a felony;
(3) within three (3) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination was an employee of the Cooperative;
(4) is or becomes, or at any time during the three (3) years preceding a director candidate’s nomination shall have been, employed by a labor union which represents, or has represented, or has endeavored to represent any employees of the Cooperative;
(5) is a grandparent, parent, spouse, child, or grandchild of an employee of the Cooperative;
(6) is in any way employed by or substantially financially interested in an enterprise competing with the Cooperative or any Cooperative affiliated business;
(7) is absent without cause from three (3) or more regular meetings of the Board of Directors during any twelve (12) month period.