Local Organizations Receive Grants

Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative’s Community Trust Board met in February to review the latest Operation Round Up applications. Five organizations received funding totaling $6,200. For under $1 a month, you can round up your electric bill to the nearest dollar to help local non-profits and organizations in our communities. The average annual donation is $6 per participating co-op member. That’s nearly the cost of a specialty coffee or a kid’s meal, yet its impact is great for the organizations that are affected by these Operation Round Up grants.
If you would like to “round up” your electric bill, fill out the form on our Operation Round Up page.

Left to Right: 

Noah Boelter – Central Lakes College; Rachel Kossan, Oliviah Lorber, and Lilly Tyrrell – Staples-Motley Softball Boosters; Aaron Duncan and Mike Pete – St. Ann’s Calvary Cemetery Board; Nate Loer – WDC Backpacks for Kids.