At Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative, your voice shapes our direction and helps us grow as a member-focused organization. Our recent Fall 2024 Membership Survey provided valuable insights into your experiences, expectations, and priorities. Thank you for your feedback; as a member-owner, your voice truly matters.
Satisfaction Levels
We are thrilled to see that 80.45% of respondents are very satisfied with their overall experience with Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative, with an additional 18.18% indicating satisfaction. This reinforces our commitment to delivering reliable, high-quality service that meets your needs. However, we recognize there is always room to improve and are working to further enhance your experience.
Excellence in Member Service
Providing excellent member service is a cornerstone of our mission, and your responses reflected this priority:
78.38% are very satisfied with our service, and another 19.82% are satisfied.
Additionally, 81.98% of members are very satisfied with the friendliness and courtesy of our employees.
This feedback is a testament to the dedication of our team. We will continue to prioritize training and tools that enable our staff to deliver exceptional service.
Reliability Matters
Minimizing outages and restoring power quickly are critical to our operations. The survey revealed 77.73% of members are very satisfied with the minimal number of outages, while 73.42% are very satisfied with how quickly we restore power after an outage.
Reliability remains a top focus of the cooperative. We are investing in technology and infrastructure improvements to further reduce disruptions and expedite restoration times.
Community Involvement
As a cooperative, we take pride in giving back to the community. We believe that when our communities thrive, we all thrive. Members who noted they were very satisfied with TWEC’s involvement and support in the community came in at 67.12%. Todd-Wadena will continue to support local programs, events, and initiatives that matter most to our members and area communities.
Staying Connected
Understanding how our members prefer to stay informed helps us communicate effectively. An impressive 91.12% of members surveyed responded that they stay up-to-date through our Pine to Prairie newsletter, followed by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. We will keep these channels vibrant and engaging while exploring additional ways to connect with you, ensuring you never miss important updates or news.
Cooperative Spirit
We are especially heartened that 77.38% of respondents view their relationship with us as members, not just customers. This cooperative spirit reflects our mutual commitment to shared values and goals.
Thanks again to all of our members who took time to participate in this important survey. We take all feedback to heart and are always looking for ways to improve and better serve our membership. Your insights inspire us to serve you better every day.
Together, we are stronger as a cooperative. Thank you for being a valued member-owner of Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative.