2024 Youth Tour Recap

By Heidi Zimmerman

Now that I’m back home after nearly a week in our nation’s capital, I get the expected and inevitable questions. I have the same universal answer for each of these questions: I would go back a million times over, and in a heartbeat.

This trip was full of many first-time experiences for myself. It was my first time flying, first time on the eastern edge of the country, first time on a Segway, and like many students, the first time on a big trip with complete strangers from various areas of Minnesota. You see, the whole idea that I wasn’t going to know anyone is what had me a bit worried; would I get along with my roommate? Turns out, we seemed to be the same exact person but in two different bodies. We became extremely close right away and spent many nights staying up past lights out, purely talking as if we’d known each other forever.

The first day started out at the hotel in Minneapolis where we met our fellow student representatives and ultimately, our roommates. From the orientation meeting we made our way to the airport and Washington, D.C. for a fairly simple evening. The following days in the capital were jam packed with tours and activities. Let me take a moment here to shout out whoever organized our itinerary because they sure made it beyond phenomenal. Now obviously there was much more to see, which is the case regardless of where you go, but I’d say we made it to almost every major monument/memorial and any other popular tourist attraction in D.C.

Of the entirety of my trip, I have to say the people were my favorite part. Every person I encountered had a meaningful impact on how my experience played out. Aside from the people, I don’t even know what else I could’ve enjoyed more. Somehow, it’s been nearly a month or two that I’ve been home and I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of it.  Simply put, I absolutely loved it.  The Youth Tour trip is truly that of a lifetime.

Heidi is the daughter of Dean and Bonnie Zimmerman. She will be a senior at Staples-Motley High School this fall. The NRECA Youth Tour is highly recommended by participants. Each year, Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative sponsors one local youth to attend this week-long, all-expenses-paid trip. Applications will be available in late December for the 2025 Youth Tour.

The Minnesota group in Washington, D.C.