New ASHP Rate

ASHPs are an incredibly efficient source of heating and cooling. In addtition, they can be enrolled in our dual fuel rate which is less than half the cost of the general service rate. Heating with a cold climate ASHP can heat your home throughout most of the cold months in Minnesota (a backup heating system is required). Enrolling in TWEC’s dual fuel rate just makes sense. You get efficient heating at a great rate and you never notice a hiccup in the heating of your home.

When an ASHP is enrolled in Dual Fuel, it also controls your cooling­—which may have been a deterrent for some members. That all changes now! TWEC has developed a new rate: Dual Fuel without AC Control—specifically for ASHPs. When you enroll in this rate, TWEC will control your system in the winter months and not at all in the summer months (June, July, and August). You will receive the dual fuel rate during winter months and it will automatically shift to the general service rate in the summer. Now you can have the best of both worlds with your ASHP.

If you are interested in enrolling in this rate, give us a call at (218) 631-3120 or (800) 321-8932!